Located on the Potomac River approximately 18 miles south of Washington, DC, US Army Garrison Fort Belvoir, Virginia provides a unique representation of military family housing
Illustrating the Army's history of providing housing for military personnel, the installation includes military family housing from the first major construction period in the 1920s to the current privatization through the Residential Communities Initiative.
Through the years, Fort Belvoir has created and sustained residential communities for military families. These communities, or villages, reflect the housing trends within the military and were often associated with a major, nationwide construction campaign connected to a specific event in military history. The Villages at Fort Belvoir also represent the Army's desire to emulate housing trends occurring in the civilian sector.
This website outlines the history of Army family housing at Fort Belvoir through December 2003. (More Info: regarding site development) In addition to providing the historical context of each historic village, the site includes an overview of Fort Belvoir's history, a summary of the architectural development of the installation, and a discussion of the issues of domestic life on the installation and segregation.